Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dead Bead!

I've not done any bead work lately. I am crocheting. No beads involved, but it is a handcraft that I also enjoy doing. I actually began this afghan over two years ago! Yes, I am embarrassed to say how long it's been waiting to be finished. I brought it with with me to all sorts of places ---in a bag and worked on it during those times I am waiting for my husband or waiting for motocross to begin or out camping. When I get back home the whole bag goes back into the corner where it is promptly forgotten!

Here is a picture of what I have accomplished with the afghan so far.


Attie said...

i love it!! I started one like 2 years ago...and just took it apart the other nite!! my first attempt at one and it didn't look so good!!
my grandma always made us things like that and every winter we got new hats and mittens and slippers from her!! i miss her so much and them!! I have kept the scarf that she made my was one of the last things she made!!

Connie Marie said...

I gave this afghan to my oldest brother Don.

Did you try again Jettie?